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Believe it or not, the loving God we read about in the Bible, and the modern god called the Big Bang theory have one thing in common: Both claim to be the origin of the universe! But right there, their commonality ends. It is impossible for both to be right. Then who is wrong, and who is right?
Let’s travel back to the source of the Big Bang and see if we can find any substance. All we need to do, is simply turn to the dictionary. No need to explore scientific books explaining complex theories.
So this is what one dictionary says about the Big- bang.
Big-bang theory n. A cosmological theory postulating that approximately 10,000 million years ago all the matter of the universe, packed into a small super dense mass, was hurled in all directions by a cataclysmic explosion. As the fragments slowed down, the galaxies and stars evolved but the universe is still expanding. (Compare steady-state theory) Reference: The Collins Dictionary of the English Language, Second Edition, Patrick Hanks (ed), 1986, William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd, reprint 1987, Glasgow, United Kingdom.
Steady-state theory n. A cosmological theory postulating that the universe exists throughout time in a steady state such that the average density of matter does not vary with distance or time. Matter is continuously created in the space left by the receding stars and galaxies of the expanding universe. Reference: ibid
And so in simple summary, this is what the Big-bang theory and the steady-state theory would have us believe:
That approximately 10,000 million years ago a super dense mass having no intelligent mind therefore owning no specific purpose or plan and without any particular reason exploded in all directions. And from the hurling fragments which had no intelligent mind therefore owning no specific purpose or plan for no particular reason evolved the galaxies with planets and innumerable stars. As the universe continued to expand without an intelligent mind and therefore owning no specific purpose or plan for no particular reason evolved the formation of our solar system.