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Bible Study - What Fits You?

June 22, 2013

This morning my two year old granddaughter tried to put her boot on my foot. Of course, no matter how much she pushed or pulled that boot wasn’t going to fit but she was determined to try anyway. If the boot fitted her and I expressed how pretty the boot was, why shouldn’t it suit me too?

We laugh, but how often do we try to force our way of doing things onto other people? Or how often have we seen others having success, so we think if we do it their way we will get the same results?  In the end we are bitterly disappointed and feel like a failure.

Take Bible study methods, for example.  I have tried countless Read through the Bible in One Year plans and got side tracked within the first week when a particular word or concept attracts my attention. Soon I am delving into my concordance to do a word study.  During that process I discover another connecting word and I head down another trail. Well, you get the picture. On the other hand, reading through the Bible book by book suits my husband best.

The truth is that Bible study is about developing a relationship with the Father. He desires a relationship stamped with your own individuality. Because He created you, He understands your personality, learning style, body clock, commitments, interests and all the hindrances to developing such a relationship. He longs to speak into your life through His Word and knows which Bible study method will achieve that for you. This is His promise to you:

"I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye.”  Psalm 32:8


 Next Time: The Valley of Digestive Healing



Posted: Sat 22 Jun 2013
