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Finding Peace in Stress and Fear

Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. John 15:27

Father in heaven, we bless Your name Jehovah Shalom – Jehovah our peace, our well-being.

We live in a time when disasters and evil are escalating. We are stretched by deadlines and the demands of other people. So often it seems there is not enough time, not enough support, not enough energy, not enough options, not enough money or resources.

For others there is too much time, and no people around, no purpose, no meaning to life -just loneliness, grief and engulfing darkness.

We escape into various worldly things to numb the pain and find relief but how fleeting the world’s peace is and so often we are worse off than before.

Oh, how good it is to know that Jesus understands how people and situations frustrate, annoy and overwhelm us. He was surrounded by the needs and demands of others, misunderstood, unappreciated, hounded by enemies, framed and falsely accused and betrayed and forsaken by his closest friends. Yet He was never elated by people’s praise nor depressed by their fickleness because You were His Jehovah Shalom.

Thank You that we don’t have to earn Your peace. You GIVE it to us in Jesus Himself. We receive Him today. Be it unto us according to Your word. AMEN


Posted: Sat 03 May 2014
